Fecha: 17/11/2020
Hora: 12:00
Duración: 1 hora 30 minutos
Ubicación: Online
Estamos en medio de la cuarta revolución industrial, que empezó con la combinación de Deep Tech, como son el machine learning y el Internet of Things. El sector industrial, utiliza numerosas máquinas de datos intensivos, por este motivo la conectividad 5G es clave. En un entorno que depende de la interacción de las máquinas con una gran cantidad de datos, se requiere una alta velocidad y una baja latencia, algo que asegura el 5G, para un uso efectivo de robots automáticos o auriculares de realidad virtual (RV) que conforman el futuro de las fábricas inteligentes.
El 5G utiliza frecuencias de radio más altas para alcanzar velocidades hasta 1.000 veces más rápidas que su predecesor, el 4G. Esta es la razón por la que el 5G ayudará a establecer el Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Al igual que en otros sectores, los esfuerzos en la fabricación de IOT y IO industrial (IIOT) son posibles gracias a la conectividad inalámbrica y las tecnologías que la apoyan. Por otra parte, el 5G y la IoT son facilitadores mutuos, porque mientras el 5G proporciona la infraestructura para la enorme cantidad de datos necesarios que requiere el éxito de la Inteligencia, la AI, impulsada por los avances en el aprendizaje automático, proporciona la capacidad de dar sentido al caos y la complejidad del 5G.
En esta Diving Session, profundizaremos en las soluciones 5G que permitirán el IoT y la IA, que serán los pilares de la nueva revolución de la Industria 5.0.
Dirigido a:
Técnicos y Directores de Innovación de empresas
Investigadores de centros de I+D
12:00 Bienvenida y presentación del webinar
Álex Turpin | secpho
12h10: Íñigo Arizaga | Teams Development Manager at Tecnalia. 5G: a brief introduction to technology
Biography: Iñigo Arizaga is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, in 1989. During his wide career he has led, managed, and being Director of multiple departments associated with projects in Telecommunications in, TELETEK, ROBOTIKER Foundation, and TECNALIA, where since January 2012 he is the Director of Technology in the ICT Division. He has also been professor of Communications Electronics at University of Deusto.
12h30: Igone Velez | Head of ICT Division at Ceit. Comunicaciones de gran ancho de banda y/o baja latencia: aplicaciones de 5G en la Industria 4.0.
Biography: Igone Velez is Electronics Engineer and PhD by the Universidad de Navarra. Working at CEIT since 2000, she is currently the Director of Information and Communication Technologies. Her main Research interests include signal processing and the design and implementation of Wireless electronics and communications components for the Industrty 4.0. Dr. Igone Velez is also Professor at the Escuela de Ingenieros de la Universidad de Navarra (Tecnun).
12h50: Patryk Urban | Business and Technology Development Manager at Inphotech. Multicore Fiber Now Closer to Enter Telecommunications Market than Ever.
Biography: Patryk Urban, PhD, DSc, is Business and Technology Development Manager at InPhoTech responsible for commercialization of innovative technologies for Telecom/Datacom industry. Prior to that he was a Senior Researcher at Ericsson AB, Stockholm, 2010-2018.
He participated/lead many research and development projects inside and outside Europe. He is an author or coauthor of nearly 100 publications and 50 granted patents and contributions to standardization fora. He was Ericsson delegate to ITU SG15 standardization activity. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Telecommunication and Photonics, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland.
13h10: Joan Lluis Mas | Director of Digital Technologies at Eurecat. Multi-sector applications and services using 5G technologies.
Biography: Telecommunication Engineer (UPC) and MBA (Webster University). Joan Lluis Mas worked for 10 years at ESA in projects related to the use of satellites for Earth environmental observation. After working during 8 years at NTE, since 2008 he is Director of the Digital Technologies Division at Eurecat, where he is promoting developments in areas such as Data Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity for applications in Industry 4.0, Healthcare, Mobility, Smart Cities, etc.
13h30: Matteo Grandi | Project and Innovation Manager at IRIS Technology Solutions. 5G as enabler for advanced monitoring system in the manufacturing and process industries.
Biography: Matteo Grandi is Project and Innovation Manager at IRIS Technology Solutions. Matteo is specialized in advanced wireless communication technologies that he applies to the industrial sector helping the manufactures to embrace the Industry 4.0 paradigm. Matteo actively collaborates with world-known companies, and he represents IRIS in projects focused on 5G, AI, Big Data, and smart ICT solutions.
13h50: Guillermo Carpintero | Full professor at UC3M and member of the Optoelectronics and Laser Technology Group. TERAWAY: Disruptive photonic technologies for 5G ultrabroadband beam-steered arrays
Biography: Guillermo Carpintero is Full Professor of Electronics Technology at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and co-director of the Group of Optoelectronics and Laser Technology. He is an expert in integrated microwave and mm-wave photonics, where he has led pioneering EU projects, such as iPHOS and, currently, TREAmeasure.
Idioma: Este webinar será en inglés.
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