Fecha: 10/12/2020
Hora: 10:30
Duración: 2.30h
Ubicación: online
The FoodPackLab programme offers support to European deep tech and packaging companies interested in cooperation with the agro-food sector in India and South Africa. This support consists of: thematic webinars, commercial missions to these two countries and follow-up of the missions in order to facilitate the collaboration agreements.
As a first activity within the programme, we present this webinar organised together with the European Business and Technology Centre in India, together with Enterprise Europe Network Flanders and Pack4Food.
The session will cover an overview of how EBTC is facilitating and promoting EU-India business support via its various engagements. Further, the information about the Indian IP ecosystem and the role of Europe-India IP Forum as a platform to acquire knowledge regarding the Indian market will be shared. Along with that, an overview of specific requirements of the Indian IP system in the food technology sector will also be presented and can be discussed with the experts.
10:30 Welcome Remarks and brief introduction of the European IPR Helpdesk & the recent EUIPO initiative | Annemie Hautekiet | Enterprise Europe Network Flanders (Ambassador European IPR Helpdesk Belgium)
10:40 Introduction to the Indian IP ecosystem by the Europe-India IP Forum | Hana Onderkova | Head IP, European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC)
10:50 Presentation
-Overview of the specific requirements of the Indian IP system
-Differences/similarities with the European IPR system
-Tips & tricks for European companies that want to protect their technology in India
Shachindra Pandey | Partner, KNS Partners, Europe-India IP Forum Expert
11:30 Overview on EU-India business support by EBTC
and its Business Support to the EU-India Policy Dialogues Project as well as the Enterprise Europe Network India | Joel Fernandes | Project Lead Europe, Business Support to the EU-India Policy Dialogues project, Enterprise Europe Network India
11:45 Question and Answer session | Moderated by Hedwige Verherbrugghen, Pack4Food and Joel Fernandes, Enterprise Europe Network India
12:00 End of session
Free registration here: https://www.weezevent.com/market-entry-to-india