Fecha: 16/10/2019
Hora: 10:00 - 16:30
Ubicación: AIMEN TECHNOLOGY CENTRE - Laser Applications Centre (Polígono Industrial de Cataboi SUR-PPI-2 (Sector 2), Parcela 3)
Ciudad: O PORRIÑO (Pontevedra - Galicia - Spain)
AIMEN Technology Centre organises the VI International Laser Week that will be be held from 14 to 18 October.
As part of this week there will be special activities every day such as Seminars in Laser Welding from 14 to 16 October and the XV Workshop on Materials Processing with Laser Technology that will take place on 17 and 18 October 2019. This conference, reaching its fifteenth edition, is now established as an important meeting between researchers, professionals and users of laser technology applied to materials processing. Every year, it has become an unavoidable event in which the latest advances in laser technology with industrial application are submitted.
Moreover, we would like to highlight the Advanced Laser Based Manufacturing Brokerage Event taking place on 16 October. During this workshop new trends in advanced laser based manufacturing and upcoming opportunities for R&D&I under Horizon2020 will be presented.
Brokerage activities will comprise pitch and networking sessions where project ideas, industrial needs and technology offers will be presented and discussed to promote collaboration in R&D&I activities between relevant actors in laser sector.
Who should attend
Researchers and professionals from companies interested in working on innovative laser-based solutions meeting key industrial needs.
If you are interested, please sign-up here.
The Workshop is free of charge and will be held in English.
The welcome & registration desk will be located at the entrance of the Laser Applications Centre and it will be operational from 09:30 am until 10:00 am.
The Workshop will take place in O Porriño, a small city close to Vigo. Find out through the next link, some hotels in Vigo recommended by the Organisation: https://jornadalaser.aimen.es/alojamiento-en-vigo
A coffee break and a lunch will be provided to participants.
For any questions regarding the event or your registration, please contact: eventos@aimen.es