Fecha: 3/10/2019
Hora: 15h a 18h
Ubicación: Sala de Actos - Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Ciudad: Carretera de Canyet, s/n, 08916 Badalona, Barcelona
Photonic technologies currently have multiple applications in the medical field, such as the detection and treatment of diseases, biomedical imaging or advanced surgery. Its great portability at low cost and guarantee of sterilization that provides the light, gives them a strategic position in the health environment.
If you want to discover how photonic technologies will revolutionize the health sector in the 21st century, you should not miss the workshop organized by secpho in collaboration with the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol (HGTP), member of our Open Innovation Club and the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) of Badalona (Barcelona).
This workshop is embedded in the framework of the European programme DIGI-B-CUBE, that provides grants and support to innovative SMEs to develop prototypes, customised products and services to tackle digitalisation challenges within the health sector, across the Bioimaging, Biosensing and Biobanking industries.
It will be a unique opportunity for health professionals and researchers of health research centers to establish synergies with industry companies and photonics professionals who can bring new perspectives to research projects and, together with the health approach, provide comprehensive and very competitive solutions in the market. This co-creation workshop will offer a space for health and photonic professionals to explore their potential to create collaborative innovation projects and will open the doors to new collaborations and competitive funding opportunities for their innovation projects with photonic technologies, using the capabilities and resources available in the private sector.
Oriented to
Doctors and researchers from transfer and research units who want to launch entrepreneurial innovation projects to carry out new ideas that include the use of photonic technologies (sensors, lasers, advanced lighting, etc.) applied to: Diagnosis, Treatment and / or Management / Logistics.
Agenda | October 3
14.30 Registration
15.15 Introduction to secpho and DIGI-B-CUBE
15.30 Overview: photonic technologies in the healthcare and research environment.
- A photonics company vs. a medical instrumentation company that uses photonics | David Castrillo, Hamamatsu Photonics
- 3 moments of use: White laser in the healthcare field | Ismael Almazán, FYLA
- Optical tweezers in biomedical research | Oriol Nós, Impetux
Coffee Break
- Photonic technologies for the study of disease development and the monitoring of its treatment | Martina Giovannella, ICFO
- Challenges of photonics technology | Josep Maria Serres, eurecat
- Spectral control of light. New applications for the care and service of people in healthcare settings | Pablo Garzón, ledmotive
- CMOS image sensors for medicine and biology | Renato Turchetta, IMASENIC Advanced Imaging S.L.
17.00 Networking dynamics to connect new technologies with the health value chain
17.30 End of event
Registration for this event is free of charge. You can register by clicking here.
This workshop is part of the DIGI-B-CUBE programme of which secpho is a consortium partner. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, under the Grant Agreement nº 824920.