Fecha: 17/3/2016
Hora: 09:30
Duración: 18/03/2016
Ubicación: Swansea University
Ciudad: Cardiff, UK
The 8th edition of OASIS (www.fp7-oasis.eu) workshops will be held in Cardiff, UK on 17-18 th of March, 2016. The event will be highly oriented to building new international consortia for Horizon2020 calls related with Light Sources for Applications in Life Sciences. The event will be hosted at Swansea University. The event will combine a facility visit, participating company presentations, infoday about Horizon2020 calls related to workshop topic and B2B meetings. Highly active event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes! Don’t loose this opportunity.
More info to be provided soon!
Some links to previous OASIS workshops:
Spectral Imaging in Life Science Applications in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Medical Imaging workshop in Marseille, France
Food and water safety workshop in Berlin, Germany