Fecha: 22/10/2020
Hora: 10h
Duración: 1 hour 30 minutes
Ubicación: Online
Do you have innovative ideas as how to adapt digital solutions for improving healthcare? Are you looking for collaboration partners to complement your expertise in cross-sectoral innovation projects with up to €60,000 of equity-free funding per partner? As part of the DIGI-B-CUBE project – a Horizon2020 project of the EU – our partners from the Cluster for Individualized Immuneintervention (Ci3), will hold a free matchmaking webinar on 22nd October 2020 at 10 am CET an excellent opportunity for you to meet other SMEs and together develop project ideas with which you can apply for funding.
Adressed to
Small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) operating in the IT or healthcare industries.
During this session, you will discover the DIGI-B-CUBE project and selected participants will have the opportunity to present their company and project idea in a short pitch.
10h Welcome and Introduction to DIGI-B-CUBE
Tobias Neumann | Ci3
10h20 Pitches of companies/project ideas
11h10 Questions and Answers DIGI-B-CUBE
11h30 End of the session
This webinar will be hold in English
Free registration: here
Registration for the webinar is open until 21st October 2020; registration for pitching slots is optional and open until 16th October 2020. The link to the event will be sent to registered participants prior to the event. If you have any questions regarding the DIGI-B-CUBE project or the webinar, you may contact Tobias Neumann at neumann@ci-3.de.