Fecha: 25/11/2015
Hora: 10:00h
Ciudad: Milan, Italy
The next OASIS (www.fp7-oasis.eu) workshop will be held in Milan, Italy on 25th of November. The event will be highly oriented to building new international consortia for Horizon2020 calls related with Biophotonics. The event will be hosted alongside the LaserLab Europe meeting in Milan at CUSBO facility (http://www.fisi.polimi.it/en/research/european_facility/cusbo). The event will combine the facility visit, participating company presentations, infoday about Horizon2020 calls related to Biophotonics and B2B meetings. Highly active event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes! Don’t loose this opportunity.
Some links to previous OASIS workshops:
Food and water safety workshop in Berlin, Germany
Establishing contacts in Biophotonics field in Bretagne, France
Barcelona Biophotonics B2B convention, Barcelona, Spain
More information to be uploaded soon!