Fecha: 16/5/2019
Duración: 16-17/05/19
Ubicación: World Trade Centre Barcelona, 1st floor, Building ‘Este’, Moll de Barcelona, s/n
Ciudad: Barcelona
The aim of this international event is to foster cross-sectorial collaboration between entities from photonics, packaging, agriculture, and food industry. Join us and meet entrepreneurs and researchers working not only on new-tech for European economic development, but also on the creation of sustainable and responsible industries. The event will feature a panel of international experts covering a wide range of topics, as well as innovation workshops on challenges from agriculture and food sectors and solutions provided by packaging and photonics technologies. B2B meetings will also be held to stimulate and strengthen collaborations along the entire value chain, focusing on such topics as:
- sustainable agriculture,
- plant and animal health,
- organic waste,
- food safety,
- hygiene,
- circular economy.
These two days on innovation in plant production, animal production, environment, and food processing, are a result of collaboration between two European projects, FoodPackLab (COSME Go International, focused on internationalisation of European SME) and EPRISE (H2020, aiming to empower photonic SMEs in four Life Science sectors: health, food, agriculture and pharma).
Target groups
- companies, R&D centres and research groups from the food industry and agriculture
- companies, R&D centres and research groups from the packaging sector
- companies, R&D centres and research groups from the photonics sector
Draft Agenda:
Day 1 – Thursday 16 May 2019
08.30 – 09.00 Registration
09.00 – 9.30 Welcome and Introduction of projects EPRISE (Cecilia Pinto, Project Coordinator, OPTITEC) and FoodPackLab (Gawel Walczak, Project Coordinator, secpho)
9.30 – 11.00 Companies pitching in front of Expert Panel Part 1
- Lorenza Tuccio, CNR – IFAC, Photonics for the assessment of table grape ripeness: the first successful case of the Florence Photonics Roadshow
- Ricardo Díaz, AINIA, Can photonics improve food security? Success stories of AINIA
- Gemma García Mandayo, Ceit-IK4, Sensors and laser technologies for food packaging
- Iker García, ADVANCED OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES S.L., Spectroscopy systems integrated in food manufacturing and processing equipment
- Marta Avila, Sincrotrón ALBA, Food under the light of the synchrotron
- Ramón Villanova, Photon Lines , Hyperespectral technics in the food industry
- Thierry Berthou, SILIOS technologies, Hybridization of Multispectral Filters: Emergence and Deployment of an integrated technology for Spectrometry & Multispectral imaging
- Victor Bernando, Hamamatsu Photonics, (tbc)
- Sara Calomarde, AMS Technologies, Helping packaging and labeling companies to enhance their photonic technologies
- Conny Hanghøj, VIFU, Innovation in the Food Sector
- Enric Pedrós, FEMAC, Future Emerging and Modern Agriculture in Catalonia
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30-13.30 Companies pitching in front of Expert Panel Part 2
- Robin de Bruijn, Philips Innovation Services, Development and manufacturing of Micro-assembled Photonic and Optical components – Overview of approaches from Philips’ background in electronic manufacturing
- Alejandro Rosales, IRIS Technology, How Industry 4.0 acquires its sixth sense: spectroscopy and hyperspectral image in the production line
- Elena Martínez, ATRIA Innovation, ATRIA Implementation cases of Technologies 4.0 in the Automotive sector transferred to Agrifood sector
- Julián Merida, On-Laser Systems, Laser Applications for Food & Packaging
- Pablo Aitor Postigo, Instituto de Micro y Nanotecnología, Low-cost optical sensor for fast and accurate determination of liquid mixtures in foods or beverages
- Hugues Tariel, DAIFIR, Pathway from medical to food industry, ups and downs
- Deitze Otaduy, IK4-Tekniker, Photonic technologies to transform the agri-food sector into the industry 4.0
- Tim Zander and David Kaczmarek, TU Berlin, Current situation of smart plant lighting
- Katia Chernysheva, Greentropism, Artificial intelligence for photonic sensors in food & agroindustry
- Felipe López, Zabala Innovation Consulting, Funding opportunities through innovation
- Adriana Freitas, Muster Ventures, Strategies on Funding – Investors and Startups Expectations
13.30-15.00 Networking lunch
15.00-17.00 Innovation Workshop with Experts and Companies (Part 1)
Working Group 1 in Sala 4 (in parallel)
- Challenge: Detection and elimination of bitter almonds, Nuria CANAMASAS GUARDIOLA and Simó Alegre, IRTA
- Challenge: How autonomous systems will provide food in the most extreme environments? Adrián Navarro Moya, SMART BIOSYSTEM
Working Group 2 in Sala 11 (in parallel)
- Challenge: How can manure transform, from a residual or waste to a valuable throughput to the next phase in the cycle, Nancy Wester, Provincie Noord-Brabant
- Challenge: identification of low-density foreign bodies in processed vegetables, Raquel Gómez Martínez, CLUSTER FOOD+i
17.00-18.00 B2B Meetings
18.00-20.00 Networking Tour in Vintage Vans
20.00 Networking dinner (Museo Marítimo, Av. de les Drassanes, s/n, 08001 Barcelona)
Day 2 – Friday 17 May 2019
09.30-10.00 Welcome coffee and registration
10.00-11.30 Innovation workshop (Part 2)
Working Group 3 in Sala 4:
- Challenge: Non-invasive detection of physical-chemical parameters in the production of wine, Jaume Gramona de Gramona, Codorniu
- Challenge: Sustainable Cultivation of Specialty Coffee, Ansgar Elfgen, Umami Area
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Panel of experts: Business opportunities and advice
- Natalia Nicolau, ACCIÓ, Opportunities in Catalonia – Nuclis Internacionals
- Carla Ruiz, ACCIÓ, EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation projects
- Hedwige Verherbrugghen, Pack4Food, Food packaging of the Future
- Jaume Castellà, CD6 – UPC, CD6 – A photonics-based entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Robert McDougall, Keltie LLP, Saving money and avoiding pitfalls with IP
- Viola Prifti, HTW Berlin, Is there a link between intellectual property models and sustainable agriculture?
- Norbert Reichl, Food Processing Initiative e.V., Food Innovation – Funding For SME
- Mireia Robert, Packaging Cluster, Internationalising Technologies for packaging sector – missions to Canada, China and USA
- Juha Purmonen, Photonics Finland, FoodTechFinland
10.00-13.30 B2B meetings (in parallel)
13.30-15.30 Farewell cocktail lunch (Restaurant Maritim, Moll d’Espanya, 4, 08039 Barcelona)
The maximum capacity of participants has been almost reached. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. We look forward to seeing you!