Fecha: 2/2/2020
Hora: 20.00-22.30
Ciudad: San Francisco, USA
From February 1 to 6, SPIE Photonics West 2020 will take place in San Francisco. Many members of secpho will be there, either as visitors, as speakers at the congress or as exhibitors at the fair itself. For this reason, we will organise the networking dinner that is already a tradition for the whole Spanish community of optics and photonics, and of course open for the international optics and photonics community.
The dinner will take place on 2 February at 8pm. More detailed information will be provided in the upcoming months.
If you are interested, it is necessary to register through the form below, before 24 January. The person in charge of organizing the dinner will be, as in recent years, Íñigo Artundo, member of secpho and CEO of VLC Photonics. The cost of the dinner will be paid by each participant directly at the restaurant.
Do not hesitate to share information about this event with anyone you consider interested – everybody is welcome to join!