Fecha: 14/4/2020
Hora: 12 h
Duración: 2 h
Ubicación: ONLINE
Additive manufacturing is a process based on the simple idea of turning a digital model into a solid three-dimensional object. Although the origin of this technology dates back to the 1980s, over the last few decades several 3D printing technologies have been developed in the industry with the aim of creating a physical model layer by layer.
The processes that have been used to evolve this type of manufacturing have not stopped growing, from stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), direct laser sintering of metal, etc. And with the help of new technologies, new formats and materials are being developed to allow the development of more resistant models with a higher printing quality. Without a doubt, 3D printing and additive manufacturing is transforming the value chains and the way we manufacture.
The medical sector, in general, and the prosthetics and implants sector, in particular, have been among the great beneficiaries of the development of additive manufacturing technologies. We are able to get closer to the desired personalized medicine, thanks to the facility to develop unique models for each patient.
In secpho we have created this webinar that wants to serve as a meeting point for the entire community related to these technologies, as a provider or user. The language of the webinar will be Spanish and it will be addressed to Technical Directors, R+D Directors, Innovation Directors or CEOs of companies in the sector of additive manufacturing in prosthesis and implants and in the sector of photonic technologies.
Provisional agenda
12:00h Welcome and presentation of the webinar
Rosa M. Sánchez · secpho
12:10 h Ventajas de la fabricación aditiva para el sector médico: dental, ortésis y prótesis.
Jaume Homs · Responsable de HP3DP en España · HP
12:30 h Situación actual y futuro de la impresión 3D en el sector hospitalario y , en particular, en la especialidad de traumatología y cirugía ortopédica.
Toni Nadal · 3D Printing & Healthcare Division · MASTERTEC
12:50 h Las tecnologías 3D optimizan el sector médico/prótesis/órtesis. 3 casos de éxito.
Antonio Sánchez · CEO · ASORCAD Engineering
13:10 h Personalización de prótesis e implantes mediante tecnologías de Fabricación Aditiva Metálica
María San Sebastián · Investigadora principal · LORTEK
13:30 h Desde el análisis 3D de los implantes y huesos hasta la evaluación basada en la fluorescencia de rayos X de la exposición a nanopartículas relacionadas con los implantes
Javier Gerber · Innovation assistant & additive manufacturing · XPLORAYTION
13:50 Trumpf AM en el sector médico y dental
Eduardo Aza · Fabricación aditiva · TRUMPF
14:20 End of webinar
Technical requirements to attend the webinar
We will use the Cisco Webex platform that is compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux. You can use browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Safari. You can also attend the webinar through mobile devices using the free Webex apps for iOS and Android.