Fecha: 17/4/2018
Duración: 9.00-16.30
Ubicación: Sincrotrón ALBA. Carrer de la Llum, 2-26, 08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Ciudad: Barcelona
Our next event will take place in Sincrotron Alba, the most important scientific sincrotron light facility in the Mediterranean Region. Accelerating electrons to produce sincrotron light allow us to visualize the atomic and molecular structure of materials and to study their properties. In case of automotive industry, it can be used to analyse: coatings (paintings), polimers, batteries, fuel cells, advanced materials (composites, nanomaterials, materials for MEMS), etc.
The main challanges from automotive sector which we will address during the event will be related to: rechargeable batteries, new polimeryc materials for 3d printing and functional polymers, lightweight materials for the car of the future, glass-to-metal and ceramic-to-metal seals, materials and surface application based on nanotechnology, composites recycling, coatings of functional oxide by inkjet printing, gas for advanced materials processing, self-healing in harsh environments, high power blue lasers for metal processing.