Medlumics is a medical device start-up born in 2009 with the goal of translating the latest technological and scientific developments in the biophotonics field into innovative and quality products for improving quality of life. Our… más >

Medlumics is a medical device start-up born in 2009 with the goal of translating the latest technological and scientific developments in the biophotonics field into innovative and quality products for improving quality of life. Our… más >
SECPhO is happy to welcome a new member on board: the Institute of Chemical Reserach of Catalonia (ICIQ) The Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), conceived with the aim of becoming a reference centre… más >
This February many SECPhO members will participate at the Photonics West 2014 exhibition in San Francisco, USA. Below you will find the list of SECPhO companies who will be present as participants or visitors at the… más >
We are very happy to announce that one more photonics organisation, the Institute of Photomedicine joined our active and innovative cluster community. The Institute of Photomedicine started its activity in 1996 under the name of Multidisciplinary Laser Platform…. más >
X-Ray Imatek S.L. is a technological company focused on the field of Photon Counting Detectors based on the successful Medipix2/Timepix chip developed at CERN, Switzerland. Its technology improves the performance of existing products for different applications such as… más >
SECPhO is growing rapidly! We are happy to announce that Antares Instrumentación S.L. became a new cluster member. Antares Instrumentación is a company with more than 30 years of experience in laser technology. The company… más >