SECPhO publishes the report ¨Spanish Photonics in Life Sciences¨ in digital and printed versions. This report overviews the activity of Spanish photonics industry and research groups providing solutions for or working on topics related to Life Sciences, particularly
- Medicine/ Healthcare
- Pharmaceutics
- Food and Water Safety
- Agriculture
- Biology
- Cosmetics
- Veterinary Medicine
- Forensic Science.
The industry players are analysed according to their activity, position in the value chain and technology. Besides that, a database with all the organisations and related associations is included in the second part of the report.
The report can be downloaded by clicking the link below:
This report was prepared in the framework of the EU funded project OASIS (FP7-ICT-11, CSA).
Don´t miss the next OASIS project workshop in Sweden ¨Light-Based Solutions for Agriculture, Veterinary and Ecology¨ on 19-20th of May in Uppsala!