The Southern Europe Cluster in Photonics & Optics celebrates it´s 5th anniversary this year and is proud of having built a very dynamic cluster and a reference in the field of optics and photonics.
From its founding (29th of April, 2009) until today SECPhO has worked with great effort and enthusiasm to get to this stage. So with these lines we want to say thank you for your devotion, generosity and commitment to all the founders, partners and teams that have made it possible! Thank you all for your help, contributions, work, activities, ideas, involvement and willingness to take SECPhO where it is today.
We still have a long way to go but after these 5 years we have shown that the future depends on us and that by working together and with the excitement from the first day we know that we can meet those challenges without a doubt!
Congratulations to all!