Beamagine S.L. is created with the goal of commercializing the LIDAR imaging technology developed at CD6. LIDAR technology allows obtaining 3D images in real time using compact cameras, based on a precise measurement of the time-of-flight of a laser pulse reflected on an object. This information is converted into an image by means of a scanning system or detector arrays. The technology, which was developed and patented by CD6 has cost and performance advantages over current commercial systems that may allow youthe company meet new market opportunities.
The technology has been developed within the framework of the doctoral thesis of Jordi Riu, along with Santiago Royo who has been the director, are the founders of Beamagine. The project has emerged from the work lines of CD6 in the field of metrology and has been financed with own resources of the group and with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through projects of the National R + D + i Plan (DPI2011-25525 and DPI2014-56881), of the Generalitat of Catalonia through ACC1Ó with the valorization project VALTEC13-1-0009 that has allowed moving research results into the first functional demonstrator and closing the gap to the market. Beamaging will now become a pilot project in the new incubator of photonic companies that are driving the Terrassa City Council and UPC through CD6.