SECPhO is inviting Spanish SMEs to the next OASIS project workshop that will be held in Marseille, France on 4th of November, 2015. The participation is free for SECPhO members with an additional possibility of 30% refund of travel expenses per Spanish SME.
The OASIS workshop is oriented to facilitate the creation of international consortia for Horizon2020 calls related with Biophotonics. The event will contain:
- the visit of CERIMED: European Center for Research in Medical Imaging,
- visiting company presentations,
- infoday about Horizon2020 calls related with Biophotonics
- and B2B meetings with participating French SMEs.
Highly active event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes! Don’t lose this opportunity!
Should you have a project idea and you want to find partners or would be just interested in meeting personally a specific Southern French photonics SME, don´t hesitate to contact Vaclovas Radvilas who will help you to arrange all logistics and networking before the event!
This event will be held along the OPTITEC EVENT that workshop participants can attend with a special rate of OPTITEC members.