Ghana is the fastest growing economy in 2019 according to the International Monetary Fund. Its success is based mainly on the development of mining, oil industry, agriculture and timber industry. This summer in July, secpho participated… más >
FoodPackLab Event in Hannover
On 29 January 2019, the first FoodPackLab Innovation Workshop took place in Hannover. The Event was hosted by the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) and adressed challenges in the field of food processing, foodsafty &… más >
The industry of Ultrafast Lasers is taking off in Spain
The second edition of SEPChO workshops about ultrafast lasers ¨Ultrafast Lasers – Applications in Medicine, Industry and Telecommunications¨ took place in Madrid on 26th of November, 2015. Following the success of the edition in 2014, this time the… más >