On 10th of June, 2014 SECPhO led the first OASIS project (www.fp7-oasis.eu) webinar together with the project team. The event was aimed at informing European SMEs and other photonic stakeholders about the project and especially about… más >
OASIS consortium meeting at Laser Optics Berlin
On 19th of March, 2014 a first consortium meeting of an OASIS project took place after the project kick-off in December 2013. The meeting took place at the Laser Optics Berlin trade fair in Berlin. Project… más >
Photonics Public Private Partnership signed
On 17th of December, 2013 the Photonics Public Private Partneship (PPP) was signed by the European Commission and Photonics21 association – private photonics sector representatives. This is great news for all European photonics community as… más >