Is it possible to reduce the impact on the environment in a systematic way? On May 5, 2020 we celebrated the webinar “Reducing environmental impact in oceans and seas” where we could discover the contributions… más >
Photonics in coronavirus detection
In the face of the coronavirus alarm situation (COVID-19), photonics technologies can provide fast and accurate diagnostic solutions. Check out secpho’s Press Release Photonics in coronavirus detection, where you will find a description of previous applications…. más >
New European Project: DIGI-B-CUBE Kick-off
The European INNOSUP project DIGI-B-CUBE aims to foster the development of cutting-edge solutions and prototypes for the healthcare sector. This 36-month has been launched in the end of May 2019 and secpho is part of the multi-disciplinary consortium, coordinated by the Oslo Cancer… más >
¨We need an attosecond laser to see the cellular activity¨
That was one of the conclusions from Dr. Gabriel Buendia at the Barcelona Biophotonics B2B Convention held on 23rd of October at the Hospital Quirón Teknon in Barcelona. The event was organized by SECPhO in… más >
GOLD: Your coating partner for successful applications in the far and extreme ultraviolet
GOLD (Grupo de Óptica de Láminas Delgadas) is a research group affiliated with Instituto de Óptica-CSIC (Madrid, Spain). GOLD is an expert in the development of optical coatings for the far and extreme ultraviolet (FUV-EUV),… más >
Institute of Photomedicine, a new SECPhO member
We are very happy to announce that one more photonics organisation, the Institute of Photomedicine joined our active and innovative cluster community. The Institute of Photomedicine started its activity in 1996 under the name of Multidisciplinary Laser Platform…. más >