On 29 January 2019, the first FoodPackLab Innovation Workshop took place in Hannover. The Event was hosted by the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) and adressed challenges in the field of food processing, foodsafty &… más >
Empowering European Photonics SME
We are proud to be a part of EPRISE project aiming to provide go-to-market solutions and boost cross-cutting collaboration of photonics SMEs in healthcare, pharmaceutical, food and agriculture sectors. You may still apply for our… más >
Smart grids – study visit to Nice
We had a pleasure to participate in study visit to Nice and Sophia Antipolis. We are always happy to learn about the actions of others. This time we had an opportunity to know more about… más >
Innovation Workshop – light for implants and prosthesis
“Additive manufacturing in prosthesis and implants” workshop, organised together with CataloniaBio, took place in March 2018. Our aim was to foster connections and opportunities of collaboration between photonics and healthcare. The workshop consisted of: study… más >
The industry of Ultrafast Lasers is taking off in Spain
The second edition of SEPChO workshops about ultrafast lasers ¨Ultrafast Lasers – Applications in Medicine, Industry and Telecommunications¨ took place in Madrid on 26th of November, 2015. Following the success of the edition in 2014, this time the… más >
Determined to boost the new generation of Spanish ultrafast lasers
This was the feeling that the 50 participants took with themselves the last 11th of November, 2014: determined to foster collaboration to develop new lasers, new applications and above all, new knowledge. The goal was… más >
SECPhO collaboration with LITEK cluster
On 26th of June SECPhO held a meeting with LITEK (Lithuanian Laser & Engineering Technologies cluster) from Lithuania. During the meeting SECPhO international project manager Vaclovas Radvilas and LITEK manager Julius Pauzolis exchanged best practices… más >