Interactive event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes
Symposium for Nanomeasurement Research
Alava Ingenieros and Keysight Technologies are organising an international scientific symposium about Nanomeasurement Research
Mission for Growth, EU cluster matchmaking event
C2C matchmaking event promoting business partnerships between companies in Wallonia and EU in priority sectors
Invest in Photonics 2014
Invest in Photonics is the place where investors are presented with the most innovative, credible and profitable business opportunities.
1st Program Committee Meeting of Invest In Photonics
SECPhO will participate at the 1st program committee meeting of the biggest venture capital event in photonics sector
¨Photonics applied to Industrial Machinery¨
SECPhO networking session at BIEMH´14 in Bilbao
Co-Society with Infonomia
A workshop where SECPhO and Infonomia professionals will meet to develop innovation of tomorrow