Over the last decades innovation is one of the crucial triggers for development of steel industry. Nowadays it focuses on: process simplification, acquisition of new qualities, advanced control of processes and surface technologies etc. Many… más >
Advanced manufacturing in prosthesis and implants
This time our Innovation Workshop, organised with cluster CataloniaBio & HealthTech and AVINENT will focus on challenges for innovation in prosthesis and implants industry. Together with R&D executives from this industry and CEOs of photonics… más >
Photonics Solutions for Veterinary and Agriculture
OASIS project workshop oriented to new consortia building for EU funded projects
Laser sources for applications in Life Sciences
Networking event oriented to building new consortia for EU funded projects related with biophotonics
Railphotonics workshop
Meeting of Work Groups that were created during the 3rd edition of cross-sectorial cluster workshop about innovation in Railway sector using Photonics
Spectral Imaging in Broad Range of Applications
Interactive event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes
OASIS workshop in Milan, Italy
Highly active event with 100% orientation to proposal preparation for Horizon2020 programmes