The 2nd OASIS workshop was held in Rennes, France on 20th of January, 2015. The event was organised by Photonics Bretagne in close collaboration with ID2Sante Health cluster from Brittany region. The event took place at the University Hospital of Pontchaillou (Rennes).
The purpose of this event was to bring European companies closer to biophotonics research facilities and facilitate international collaboration. This event was one of the 9 programmed workshops that are planned to be organized on a quarterly basis in the next two years across Europe by the OASIS consortium (www.fp7-oasis.eu).
Workshop content and activities
There were 35 participants present at the workshop with same ratio of different type of organisations represented (SMEs, research facilities and EU clusters).
The workshop was split into three parts:
- an informative session, presenting the a) OASIS project and its´ recent results and b) two Smart Specialisation strategies in Brittany and Tuscany (Italy) with a discussion afterwards;
- later, participating SMEs and research facilities could present their activity and interest in Biophotonics applications;
- and finally, all participants visited 2 participating bio-platforms in the campus of University of Rennes 1, that were PRISM facilities of functional imaging and H2P2 facility of histopathology research group.
The event finished with a networking session, where workshop participants could discuss possible collaboration in future.
All presentations and list of participants can be found at the official OASIS website.
Don´t hesitate contacting us should you need more information regarding the future OASIS workshops.