Last Tuesday, 21st of April the 3rd OASIS project (www.oasis-fp7) workshop took place. Food and water safety was the event topic in this edition of OASIS workshops. The event took place in Berlin-Adlershof, Germany’s leading Science- and Technology Park, one of 15 biggest science parks worldwide.
The purpose of this event was to bring European companies closer to biophotonics research facilities and facilitate international collaboration in the field of food and water safety. The event was comprised of 3 main parts:
- presentations from german R&D facilities, SMEs and end users that specialize in food & water safety,
- presentation of foreign participating SMEs and research facilities and
- networking session between participants.
The agenda of the event can be found below:
During the discussion session, a high interest in similar future events was expressed and workshop participants found it very useful to be able to get a view of the topic from all parts of the value chain.
This event was one of the 9 programmed workshops that are planned to be organized in the next two years across the Europe by the OASIS consortium (www.fp7-oasis.eu). Don´t miss the next workshop in Florence, Italy on 21st of May during the international Biophotonics week! The OASIS project and Italian agency Invest in Tuscony is supporting the participation of foreign SMEs by offering the free booth space for companies, a presentation slot during the conference and travel expense refund for first companies that confirm their participation. Don´t loose this opportunity!