SECPhO member luzwavelabs launched a new programme Open Lab Award. If you have a high tech innovative project luzwavelabs lab is available to you. Implement a first prototype or proof of concept that lets you start a technological company or raise your first funding.
More than 500k€ in lab equipment (RF, photonics, electronics, THz) completely free for your use. To participate, one should send a pitch (5 min max.) and a description of your project (2 pages) to luzwavelabs@luzwavelabs.com.
More info about the award: http://luzwavelabs.com/openlabaward/
luzwavelabs is a spin-off from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) created in 2013. luzwavelabs provides technological solutions in the Terahertz and Photonic regions to allow our customers a reliable and efficient exploitation of these frequency ranges.