New Space is a new market with great potential where Photonics and other Deep Tech are playing a crucial role. On March 31st, secpho held the webinar “New Space. New opportunities in the aerospacial sector” where all the attendees had the opportunity to discover technological innovation initiatives aimed at the aerospace sector that are being carried out by several secpho partners.
Sergio Sáez, cluster manager of secpho, introduced the webinar and the speakers. The first talk was New atmospheric sensors for predicting climate in payloads for CubeSats using microwave photonic technology made by Prof. Luis Enrique García Muñoz, from the Radiofrequency, Electromagnetism, Microwaves and Antennas Group (GREMA) of Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. Prof. García Muñoz presented the project that his team is running nowadays that consists in designing and manufacturing new atmospheric sensors for predicting climate in payloads for Cube Sats using photonic microwave.
The following talk was IACTec Space – From science to industry, technology transference with CubeSats by Ignacio Bustamante, head of remote sensing area of the Technology Centre of the Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute (IACTEC). That explained the mission of IAC in space science and technology transfer and detailed their main project at the moment: DRAGO (Demonstrator for the Remote Analysis of Ground Observations) a compact and uncooled space camera for small satellites observing the Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) that will be on board the 3U nanosat ALISIO (Advanced Land-Imaging Satellite for InfraredObservations).
Timing solutions for Aerospace and Defense was the talk by Carlos Valenzuela, Field Aplication Engineer at Seven Solutions. He presented the company, that is specialised in accurate subnanosecond time transfer and frequency distribution for reliable industrial and scientific applications. Valenzuela also outlined their Timing solutions for Aerospace and Defense, that can be also used by other sectors like Critical Infraestructures (such as Electricity, Gas, Oil production and distribution) or Finances.
Cesar Esteban, Applications & Support Manager at KDPOF, talked about High-speed intra-satellite links on plastic optical fiber an organisation specialised in semiconductors, focused on their main service a High-Speed Intra-Satellite Links Over Optical Fibre. Esteban explained also the benefits of their Ethernet based optical solution, that can have applications to aerospace, automotive, industrial and transport, among other sectors.
Finally, Daniel Sors, Head of customer Success at Open Cosmos, talked about Innovative software and hardware tools to develop space missions where he explained that Open Cosmos is a Space Mission Provider that delivers satellite-based solutions ranging from mission development software and payload qualification kits to ready-to-launch small satellite platforms and supporting services.
More than 85 international attendees joined this webinar. For those of you who did not have the opportunity to attend the webinar, you can retrieve it in the following videos:
1. Welcome and introduction to secpho
You can also check the previous webinars that secpho has organized through our website and youtube channel.
We hope to see you in our next secpho webinar!