On 20-21st of October SECPhO attended the European Cluster Conference 2014 in Brussels, Belgium. This bi-annual event is the most important event in EU regarding the cluster policy making. During the edition of the year 2014 the following topics were addressed:
- What cluster policies, measures and tools are needed to effectively boost SME growth and drive regional industrial change, in particular in emerging industries?
- What trends and challenges need to be considered to put in place a favourable cluster environment that helps SMEs to unlock new growth opportunities?
- What actions are needed for a new European cluster strategy to help regions and Member States to implement excellent cluster policies and tools?
Besides participating at common shaping of Europe´s future cluster policies, listening to very interesting presentations about various topics from cluster practitioners, SECPhO also met some new interesting contacts during the B2B matchmaking session. New contacts were established and possible collaboration topics were discussed with following European clusters:
- SCS Cluster (France) – a world class cluster of Secured Communications Solutions that cover areas of microelectronics, telecommunications and software;
- DSP Valley (Belgium) – cluster of excellence in smart electronic systems and embedded technology solutions;
- si-Cluster (Greece) – The Hellenic Space Technologies and Applications Cluster.
- Eastern Cluster ICT (Poland) – cluster in sectors of ICT, Software, Telecommunications, SmartGrid.
A new European project proposal has been initiated already with two of the mentioned clusters and others are objective of discussion in near future.
To conclude, we believe that every EU cluster should be part of this event in order to design the future of clusters in EU and take all what is possible during side events and pre-arranged B2B meetings.
Looking forward to seeing you in next events!