Last week (18-19th of September) SECPhO participated at an international cluster matchmaking event ¨BSR stars Cluster-to-cluster Conference¨ in Berlin, Germany. The event was dedicated to matching clusters (and SME networks) with each other, and support them in finding relevant funding for international activities.
SECPhO presented the cluster and its members to 6 European clusters during the 20 minute face-to-face pre-arranged meetings:
- Danish cleantech cluster CLEAN (http://cleancluster.dk);
- Danish robotics cluster Robocluster (http://robocluster.dk/);
- Danish Lighting Innovation Network (http://www.dansklys.dk/);
- French competitiveness cluster in high technologies (photonics, microwave, security) Elopsys (http://www.elopsys.fr/);
- German photonics cluster PhotonicNet (http://www.photonicnet.de/);
- Serbian cluster of advanced technologies NisCAT (http://www.ni-cat.org/).
Moreover, during the second day of the event, SECPhO participated in workshop related to project idea pitching and their further development. During this session SECPhO presented clusters capabilities in Food Packaging sector and got involved in a new consortium for proposal development for an Horizon2020 call with 9 European and one Moroccan cluster. Both the team and proposal idea are very strong so SECPhO members should expect new activities within the cluster in the area of food packaging soon.
Should you have any inquiry or question about any of the mentioned clusters or activities, please don´t hesitate to contact us via vaclovas.radvilas@secpho.org.