The Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism has announced the selected projects of the national support program for Innovative Business Associations (in spanish ¨Asociaciones Empresariales Inovadoras – AEI¨). SECPhO cluster is an AEI that had the most of projects approved nationally – a total of 8 projects worth 277,557€ in total. It is important to mention that more than 82% of this amount is designated directly to 16 other partners where 11 of them are members of the cluster.
7 out of 8 projects that have been approved are oriented towards the development of an innovative product and/or process in cooperation with several partners. These are the following projects:
- FERTISAVE: Development of a photonic sensor for real-time measurement of macronutrient concentration in soil for selective application of fertilizers.
- OXIPACK: Improving the food safety by detecting oxygen inside the packaging.
- BUBBLESENS: CO2 detection to control the pressure in the process of making sparkling wines.
- LASERTRAIN: 3D laser profilometry for railway maintenance; scanning train wheels in motion.
- OLIVESENS: Development of a system for real-time monitoring of olive oil making process.
- Participants: IK4-TEKNIKER, UJA, INOLEO and SECPhO
- CHAMELEON: Advanced Technology of multichannel LED signaling in automotive industry.
- Participants: LPI Europe, IREC and SECPhO
- QUALICROM: Surface quality control of chrome plated parts by deflectometry in dynamic, adaptive and robotized trajectory.
- Participants: TECNALIA, HEGAN and SECPhO
The eighth project is dedicated to conducting a technical feasibility study that will be lead by SECPhO:
- LIGHTSEEDS: technical feasibility study on creation of a network of incubators for start-ups specializing in photonic technologies.
Without a doubt, the approval of these projects is a direct recognition of the importance of light technologies in our society. SECPhO will continue working in this trajectory and will put even more efforts on improving the competitiveness of the Spanish photonics industry by promoting the collaborative innovation creation.