The second edition of SEPChO workshops about ultrafast lasers ¨Ultrafast Lasers – Applications in Medicine, Industry and Telecommunications¨ took place in Madrid on 26th of November, 2015.
Following the success of the edition in 2014, this time the workshop was fully oriented to industrial applications. The aim was to show the great potential of the pico- and femtosecond lasers in emerging fields such as micro-machining (cutting, welding or ablation at microscopic scales), processing and modification of fragile materials, precision surgery, medical imaging, manufacturing of microchips or telecommunications.
The event was attended by more than thirty people representing companies, research institutes and research groups devoted to laser technology such as: BSH Appliances Spain, Biotech Life Vascular Devices, Institute of Photomedicine the Teknon Medical Center, Fyla, LuzWaveLabs , ProCareLight, Protonlaser, IK4 – Tekniker, CNM, CSIC, Jeanologia, CEIT – IK4, Radiantis, AIMEN, Alava Ingenieros, IMDEA Materials Institute, the Center for pulsed lasers (CLPU), the Institute of Materials Ceincia Aragon (ICMA CSIC), the Institute of Optics (IO-CSIC), Carlos III of Madrid, Crestec Corporation, Veloptics University as well as students of the Master in Photonics and Laser Technology (jointly conducted by the universities of Vigo, Santiago de Compostela A Coruña).
The agenda of the day began with a welcome, presentation of objectives, methodology and participants. Then, the program was divided into 3 sections: the first focused on “Discovering the needs and problems,” the second “Exploring new applications” and the block in the afternoon aimed at “Promoting the development of new lasers”.
Before lunch break, within the block “Exploring new applications”, there were five topics identified that were addressed to organize working groups to generate innovative collaboration projects. The following topics were addressed: color marking on metal, polymer micro-machining, applying femtosecond lasers in surgery, the speed control of lasers in micro machining of sharp bends and the development from scratch of a laser machine for cutting stents.
You can access the photo album of the event by clicking here.
The meeting was held following the USTS2015 Congress held on 24th and 25th of November in Madrid. This congress was driven by the GELUR group and was dedicated to scientific advances in the field of ultrafast lasers (femto and pico). You can see the information about the congress here.