Empresa: Photonics Research Labs - UPV
The ITEAM Research Institute (Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain) offers 1 Postdoctoral position to a well‐qualified, highly motivated and dynamic scientist/engineer, with a Doctorate in Photonics and background on optical fiber communications. The successful candidate will be associated to the Photonics Research Labs, led by Prof. José Capmany.
The contract is offered for 4 years within the framework of the European ERC Consolidator Grant “InnoSpace” granted to Ivana Gasulla under the title “Revolutionizing fiber-wireless communications through space-division multiplexed photonics”. This project requires working on a new portfolio of advanced optical fibers exploiting space-division multiplexing techniques, including both multicore fibers and few-mode fibers.
Contact: ivgames@iteam.upv.es
More info: PostDoc InnoSpace