Estela Sanchez
C/ Beat Oriol, nave 18-19 Pol Ind Foinvasa
08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona)
We are giving services like engineering design, construction, modification, fine tuning and maintenance of injection tools extended to other technologies.
Established since 1979, we are located in the northern industrial area of Barcelona, in Montcada i Reixac city.
In order to keep improving year by year our quality process, we have been certified ISO 9001 since the year 1999, with successful YTD corresponding updates.
In addition to that we are offering a tailor made service called “Clinic of the Moulds” able to give a wide range of solutions for all tooling issues occurred during part production process.
Inside this section we always insure best reactivity and flexibility in order to reduce tool stop.