Josep Maria Serres Serres
Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Eurecat is the leading Technology Centre of Catalonia, and our objective is to be supplier for the business and industries of innovative and differential technology to solve their innovation needs and boost their competitiveness. We are a multidisciplinary and multinational team of scientists and technologists of industrial and digital ambits.
OUR SERVICES ARE: Technology transfer. Applied R & D. Identification of opportunities. Product, services and systems conceptualization, development and industrialization. Technology services. Technology consulting. Highly specialized training.
SOME FIGURES: 450 professionals. 40 M € of income. 160 R & D projects themselves, for European companies and (Horizon 2020). 1000 client firms., 73 patents. 7 spin off’s.
AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE: Innovation and Product Development. Metallic and ceramic materials. Plastics. Composites. New manufacturing processes. Autonomous robotics industry. Printed and embedded electronics. Functional fabrics. Simulation. Sustainability. Big Data Analytics. Audiovisual technologies. Digital Humanities. Smart Management Systems. IT-Security. E-health.
SERVICES: Technology transfer. Applied R & D. Identification of opportunities. Product, services and systems conceptualization, development and industrialization. Technology services. Technology consulting. Highly specialized training.