Juan Luis Vadillo López
c/ Gamonal 16, 3-D
28031 Madrid
650 529 806
They are the Iberian distributor expert in photonics and imaging. Their business is related to the generation, harnesing and detection of photons along with accessory technologies.
Some of their key technologies and products are:
- imaging in general (cameras, optics, sensors…)
- laser safety and protection
- lasers
- microscopy
- spectroscopy
- holography
- metrology and NDT
- optical engineering software
- motorized positioning
- photometry and colorimetry
- machine vision and optical inspection
- mechanics and electronics associated to the previous.
Their main fields of activity are: research and academia, defense and aerospace, automovile, transport and railways, energy, food and pharma, medicine and biotech, logistics and machine tool.
Along their distribution capabilities and product expertise in hardware and software, their optical engineering department offers advanced services such as product development, prototyping, enhancement of existing products or systems, and training.