Jorge Manuel García Martínez
28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid)
IMN offers technological support through its Micro and nanofabrication service (MiNa), attending to the most challenging and demanding requirements.
IMN has reached a strong experience in advanced fabrication techniques like molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), electron beam lithography and tools based on scanning probe microscopy (SPM) for the fabrication, characterization and manipulation of nanostructures.
This cumulative experience is in the base of its multidisciplinary research activity and the reason why IMM research activity is widespread into apparently diverse subjects, as the development of nanobiosensors to discriminate cancerigeneous cells, fabrication of semiconductor and metallic nanostructures for devices in information technologies, advanced photovoltaics, magnetoplasmonics or thermoelectricity, scanning probe techniques for molecular recognition, development of technological processes for thin film fabrication with application in phovoltaics and space instrumentation…
The micro and nanofabrication service (MiNa) of the Institute of Microelectronics of Madrid (IMM) was set up when the High Resolution Lithography Laboratory (LAB-LAR) joined the Fabrication Facility equipment of the IMM. The LAB-LAR belongs to the Network of Laboratories and Research Infrastructures of the Community of Madrid. It holds Quality Certification ISO 9001, working with great efficiency to meet the growing demand for manufacturing structures for research groups outside the IMM. It has two main features.
First, it offers a flexible service by adapting the technology to the client’s requirements as much as possible. This ranges from basic, single-step to multi-step processes that allow the possibility of manufacturing complex structures without the restrictions imposed by a standard clean room. Second, its pioneering role in the development of nanotechnology in Spain allows it to offer technological processes beyond current conventional standards. Furthermore, it is one of the few services who offer high-resolution electron beam lithography, and the only one in Spain to offer ultra high resolution ion beam fabrication on large areas.
The service completes its objectives when it transfers its experiences to the rest of the Spanish scientific community by offering its knowledge and high-level infrastructures to R&D centres and technological companies.