Crina María Cojocaru
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Rambla Sant Nebridi 22, Edificio Gaia
08222 Terrassa (Barcelona)
The Master’s degree in Photonics caters for the needs of different types of students: from those looking to pursue a doctoral degree to those aiming at a professional career. Thanks to the participation of high – level professors and researchers from universities UPC, UAB and UB and research institute ICFO in Barcelona, this master’s degree provides graduates with a broad and flexible profile which can include skills and expertise in different fields: Quantum Optics, Nanophotonics, Biophotonics, Imaging, Optical Telecommunications & Photonic systems, and Photonics Engineering. After a few compulsory subjects providing a basic background in Photonics, students can choose from a variety of subjects to define their personal curriculum.
It is intended that Master graduates can pursue a doctoral degree in any of these fields, or join a modern industry company as photonics – expert professionals able to work in multidisciplinary teams. Entrepreneurial skills and employability are promoted through a specific course and through the possibility to do the Master Thesis work in collaboration with a company or a research centre. The Master in Photonics also has a strong international character. It is taught entirely in English as it is expected that there will be a significant number of students from other countries. There is also collaboration with the European Erasmus Mundus Master Europhotonics offered jointly with France & Germany.
For Pre-registration and admission info click here.