Francisca Rabadán Sotos
Campus UAB, Edifici Rectorat. Oficina de Projectes Internacionals de Recerca
08210 Barberà del Vallès (Barcelona)
The Department of Animal and Food Science, a dynamic team of more than 67 graduate students, and 70 faculty members, researchers and staff. We are deeply committed to innovation and to developing knowledge to provide an outstanding education for our students in the areas of Animal Science, Food Safety, and Food Technology. We try to contribute to solving problems of vital social and economic relevance, such as the need for a sustainable, safe, and socially responsible food production.
The research within the Department of Animal and Food Sciences is carried out by 6 research groups.
Unitat de Tecnologia d´Aliments. UAB-CIRTTA
Grup de Recerca en Remugants
Grup de Recerca de Biotecnologia de la Producció en Espècies Ramaderes
Grup de Millora Genètica Molecular Veterinaria
Grup de Nutrició Maneig i Benestar
Grup de Recerca d’Agricultura, Ramaderia i Alimentació en la Globalització