Empresa: Nanophotonics Technology Center at Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
PhD scholarship position in the “Nanophotonics Technology Center” at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain.
THz detection by molecular optomechanical coupling in a plasmonic nanoantenna.
Plasmonic nanoantennas enable light confinement in deep-subwavelength regions, which enormously strengthen light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. This can be applied, for instance, to enhance Raman processes in molecules coupled to the nanoantenna. It has been recently showed that such Raman processes can be interpreted in terms of molecular optomechanics in a subwavelength cavity. Noticeably, if the molecule has a large infrared or THz absorption, it may act as a transducer between such IR or THz fields and optical fields, so the system will perform as a THz or IR detector.
They are offering a PhD scholarship to work in the design, fabrication and experimental demonstrations of nanoantenna-based system aimed at the realization of room-temperature on-chip THz detectors relying on molecular optomechanics.
Specific requirements: the candidates must have a degree in Physics or Telecom engineering. Master studies related to optics and nanotechnology will be very valuable. A high level in English is mandatory.
- Candidates should send the following documents: motivation letter (1 page) and short CV to Dr. Alejandro Martínez (amartinez@ntc.upv.es) and Ms. Isabel Salas (misalas@ntc.upv.es).
- Starting date: May 1st, 2019.
- Duration: up to 3 years (renewable on a yearly basis)
- Salary: similar to standard FPI/FPU spanish PhD grants.
- Additional information on the group: http://www.ntc.upv.es/english/metamaterials.html
- Location: http://www.ntc.upv.es/english/contact.html
- Funding: This contract is supported by the H2020 FET-Open project THOR, http://www.h2020thor.eu/