Juan Ignacio Garcés Gregorio
I3A. Edificio I+D+i. C/ Mariano Esquillor s/n
50018 Zaragoza
The Photonics Technology Group of the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) of the University of Zaragoza is a multidisciplinary group working in several photonics technologies related to different application areas, mainly renewable energy, architecture, telecommunications and chemical detection. We are technology providers for companies who need our capacities, starting with the idea and finishing in a patent or a prototype. Our fields of interest, where we can show a certain level of expertise, are:
Optical fibers and optical communication networks:
– Development of specific equipment for the characterization of fibers, cables, devices and systems.
– Optical access networks
Multilayer engineering & fabrication:
– Multilayer deposition over glass for optical and energetic control in architecture and automotive
– Development of multilayers for vitroceramic glasses
– High reflectance multilayers for thermosolar applications
Optical sensors, industrial optoelectronic instruments & systems:
– Optochemical sensors
– On-field and laboratory instrumentation for thermosolar plants