Carles Oriach
C/ Vilanoveta, 6
8800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
Monocrom designs and manufactures low and high power diode laser devices, mainly for medicine, aesthetics, material processing, pumping, science, defense, aero-space, instrumentation and graphic arts industry. Monocrom has been recognized throughout the laser industry for supplying high performance products at a competitive price due to our patented «clamping» technology. Our products are alike appreciated for their custom-fit characteristics, high reliability and long lifetime.
High flexibility and production capacity allow us to develop OEM products for many areas. Our facilities, including a wide machinery park together with Optics Labs allow us to keep all the development and manufacturing processes in-house. We design, manufacture and guarantee all our products.
Monocrom is presently working for the European Space Agency to develop an ultra-light weight and resistant green laser device for the future ESA Exomars mission to Mars.

Laser Diode Modules (LDM)
Monocroom develops laser diode modules both as an end product and as a component to be integrated into our customers’ laser equipments. Output powers are in the range of 1mW to 3W and typical wavelengths from 405nm to 1550 nm. Different housings and optical setups available. Custom-fit OEM laser diode modules can be developped in small and large volume series.
Laser Diode Modules (LDM) (pdf)

Laser Diode Bar Assemblies (LDBA)
By our patented technology, exclusive from Monocrom, the laser bars are clamped without soldering, within two copper blocks which serve as electrodes as well as heat sinks. No Smile effect and extended lifetime are key features of our high power laser diode devices. Additionally the use of macro-channels in the cooling system reduces maintenance problems and cost.
Laser Diode Bar Assemblies (LDBA) (pdf)

Solid State Lasers and Equipments (SSL/LU)
Monocrom excels in the design and realization of solid state lasers capable of satisfying our customer’s most exigent requirements; and so it is recognized by the main laser companies worldwide. Three different formats: laser heads, plug & play laser units and OEM systems (composed by laser modules, cooling system and highly efficient Monocrom-made drivers).
Solid State Lasers and Equipments (SSL/LU) (pdf)

Laser Diode Modules (LDM)
Monocroom develops laser diode modules both as an end product and as a component to be integrated into our customers’ laser equipments. Output powers are in the range of 1mW to 3W and typical wavelengths from 405nm to 1550 nm. Different housings and optical setups available. Custom-fit OEM laser diode modules can be developped in small and large volume series.
Laser Diode Modules (LDM) (pdf)
Laser Diode Bar Assemblies (LDBA)
By our patented technology, exclusive from Monocrom, the laser bars are clamped without soldering, within two copper blocks which serve as electrodes as well as heat sinks. No Smile effect and extended lifetime are key features of our high power laser diode devices. Additionally the use of macro-channels in the cooling system reduces maintenance problems and cost.
Laser Diode Bar Assemblies (LDBA) (pdf)
Solid State Lasers and Equipments (SSL/LU)
Monocrom excels in the design and realization of solid state lasers capable of satisfying our customer’s most exigent requirements; and so it is recognized by the main laser companies worldwide. Three different formats: laser heads, plug & play laser units and OEM systems (composed by laser modules, cooling system and highly efficient Monocrom-made drivers).
Solid State Lasers and Equipments (SSL/LU) (pdf)