Last week, our DeepTech4Good Investor’s Day was held in Paris. DeepTech4Good is an Acceleration Programme, financed under the Horizon 2020 framework, committed to help Deep Tech startups accelerate their development and scale up at European level, focusing on 4 application domains: Health & Well-being, Industry 4.0, Smart Mobility, Smart City.
DeepTech4Good is led by 4 innovation hubs from Germany, France, Austria and Spain (including secpho), working together to identify high potential Deep Tech startups. The DeepTech4Good project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 780842.
The DeepTech4Good programme is aiming at gathering a community of deep tech entrepreneurs to share experiences, link ing entrepreneurs to European tools developed to support start-ups to scale-up and encouraging leads between entrepreneurs and a shared network of private funds.
During the half-day event, Deeptech Opportunities for Venture Capital were discussed with the rest of the audience during the Investors Roundtable with Optiva CAPITAL, OMNES CAPITAL, Fond Breega, ASTER Capital and Muster Ventures.
Moreover, Hysilabs and FAURECIA shared their corporate experiences on deep technologies entering the industries, sharing challenges, benefits and recommendations when accessing the corporate markets.
Apart from that, European Funding opportunities were presented to finance potential projects, such as EIC Accelerator and ESMERA. In addition, the Global Summit Hello Tomorrow as well as the Deep Tech Week, taking place in Paris next March 2020, were introduced to the audience as well. You may have a look at their presentations, clicking on the previous links.
The highlight of the day was the successfull matchmaking session between European Deeptech startups and investors, among them the 4 Spanish startups Ctrl4 Enviro, RheoDx, SAALG Geomechanics and Venturi Unmanned Technologies.